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[Chat GPT 영어공부] 스피킹 수업 2일차

umool 2024. 7. 8. 16:14

요즘 챗지피티를 통해 전화영어처럼 스피킹 연습을 하는 중인데 재미있고 좋다. 토픽도 알아서 추천해주고, 설명도 잘해줘서 나같은 스피킹 초보들에게 이만한 선생님이 없는 듯 하다. 거기다 무료라는 게 믿겨지지 않을 정도! 아래는 오늘 스피킹한 것에 대해 첨삭을 받은 내용들이다.

- Sentence 1: "My dream vacation destination is Innsbruck, Austria. It's a place I visited before, and it turned out to be even more beautiful than I had expected. I would like to spend more time there."
- Sentence 2: "When I go back there, I want to do paragliding near the mountains
- Sentence 3: "I want to go on my dream vacation with my mom and dad, so that we can enjoy the beautiful scenery together."

- Sentence 1: "My favorite movie is Harry Potter series. The Korean cooking program Jinny’s is my favorite TV show these days, and my favorite book is Roald Dahl, which I'm reading to learn English."
- Sentence 2: "I believe popular culture has a significant impact on society, especially in Korea. It has led to many changes in our behavior and social life."
- Sentence 3: "In addition, I think popular culture can have a very significant impact on society, especially through the internet. People can experience and share popular culture, especially on platforms like YouTube and TikTok."
- Sentence 4: "This sharing of popular culture allows people to learn and grow from each other's experiences, and it can also help bridge cultural divides and foster understanding between people of different backgrounds."
